CYO Basketball is a parish-based organization. Sign-up and team registration takes place at the parish level. Refer to the parish boundary maps at the bottom of this page to determine the parish where your child is eligible to play. Should you need assistance, contact your parish.
CYO Winter Basketball is offered for boys and girls teams in grades 3 through High School. The season begins in December and concludes in March with the Archdiocese Championships at local Catholic High School or College facilities. Season games are typically played at parish and school gyms in th Hudson Valley. CYONY Eligibility Rules and CYONY Play Rules apply. Hudson Valley also has its own HV Winter Basketball Play Rules that take precedence during the winter play season.
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These maps are intended to be used as a resource/guide for the CYO community of the Archdiocese of New York. It depicts the boundaries of the Vicariate of the respective parishes. For the purpose of CYO eligibility, these maps are a guideline of where children should play according to CYO Rules.