Safe Environment Program Requirements for CYO Coaches/Volunteers
The mission of the NY Archdiocese's Safe Environment Program is to ensure the safety of children and young people entrusted to our care in our parishes, schools, religious education classes, CYO, and other programs.
The NY Archdiocese Safe Environment Program requires that all CYO Coaches/Volunteers who work with minors submit the following to their Parish Safe Environment Administrator for CYO:
1. Authorization for Background Check (every 6 years)
2. Safe Environment Questionnaire (one time)
3. Certificate of Completion of Safer Spaces Training (one time)
4. Safer Spaces Refresher Training (annual)
Please print, complete, and submit the two forms below to your Parish Safe Environment Administrator for CYO (typically the CYO Coordinator).
1.) Authorization for Background Check Form
All volunteers must complete the Background Check Authorization Form before working with minors. It authorizes the Archdiocese to conduct a background check to verify an applicant's identity and to determine if he/she has a criminal record. A new background check is required every six years, or sooner, if new information deems it necessary.
2.) Safe Environment Questionnaire
All volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Questionnaire before they start working with minors. This questionnaire requires the signer to provide information and acknowledge that he/she received and understands the Archdiocese of NY's Policy on Sexual Misconduct Summary and the Code of Conduct.
The Parish Safe Environment Administrator for CYO will send the forms to the Archdiocese Safe Environment contact for processing.
3.) Safer Spaces Training
Each CYO Coach/Volunteer must complete the Safer Space Training once before engaging in CYO. Training for CYO volunteers may be completed online. After completing the training, a Certificate of Completion should be delivered to your Parish Safe Environment Administrator for CYO. Safer Spaces online training class is hosted by the same site as the Youth Faith Formation Office’s Ministry Formation, ArchNYLab. Use the button below to link to the online course.