Archdiocese of NY Student Accident Insurance Program
The Archdiocese of New York has a Student Accident Insurance Program. All Archdiocesan K-8 Schools, high schools, parish Religious Education Programs, parish Catholic Youth Ministry Programs, parish intramural sports programs and CYO activities are included.
Click on the button below for program information and forms required to report an accident and submit a claim:
Archdiocese of NY Student Accident Program Brochure
Arch NY Student Accident FAQ and Claim Instructions
Student Accident Report Form
The Student Accident Form is to be used to report accidents to Catholic Mutual that involve students, religious education children and children who participate in School or CYO sports programs. For CYO, within 48 hours of an accident occurrence involving a CYO participant, the Coach or Parish Coordinator should fill out this form and follow parish policy to have the form faxed to Catholic Mutual Group. This is not a form for a parent to complete.
Parishioner/Volunteer Accident Form
This Archdiocese of NY Claim Form is to be used to file a claim with the insurance company for accidents that involve students, religious education children and children who participate in School or CYO sports programs. It is the School’s or Parish’s responsibility to complete Part 1 of the form. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to complete the remainder of the form, attach necessary EOB’s and itemized bills, and mail them to the insurance company at the address listed.
Please contact your School or Parish Administration Office with questions.